We have years of experience in software deployment and update, using the development tools published by Indigo Rose. Not only do we provide official support for customers of these fine products, we also offer independent consulting services, as a third party, and we definitely can help you if you are running into difficulties while trying to finish your project. You can find us on the list of consultants at the Indigo Rose web site.
We also developed a great number of plugins, scripts and dependencies, which allow to expand the functionality of these products even further. Our tools have been installed thousands of times, and are used daily by developers worldwide. Many of these product extensions are available for download, free of charge. Others will be added later.
“Ulrich brings a strong mix of “understanding the big-picture” backed by solid programming skills and expertise. Ulrich impressed me with his ability to deliver projects on time, within budget and exactly according to our technical requirements. It is a real pleasure to work with Ulrich, his patience, dedication, professionalism and personal integrity are very rare to find these days.“
Martin Deitch
Sales Enablement Manager
Gemalto Software Monetization Division
A partial list of consulting clients and paying users of our software.
A dedicated plugin that allows to perform actions on S3 Amazon Web Services, such as creating buckets, checking for files in the cloud, as well as upload and download files.
The Edge WebView2 object lets you display a web site on a page or dialog of an AutoPlay Media Studio application, just like it would appear in the Chromium-based Edge web browser. This essentially places the Edge rendering engine on your page and uses it to display HTML in your application. Works with sites where Internet Explorer is no longer supported.
We use TeamViewer QuickSupport as the preferred remote assistance tool for our consulting clients.
If information or a software product you found here helped you, please be fair and show your support - even if you found the installer of my work on a different server.
Looking for other software extensions? Missing content may be restored at a later date. If in a hurry, use the contact form and make a payment to get a download link.